Nature Happenings

  • Great Backyard Bird Count, mid-month,
  • February is National Bird Feeding Month
  • Project FeederWatch continues,
  • Indian Paintbrush, Giant Coreopsis and Iris start blooming early this month.
  • Queen bees emerge from over-wintering underground and search for this year's new nest sites.
  • Watch for hawks carrying sticks to refurbish an old nesting site.
  • Look for conical-shaped balls of twigs and dead leaves in the canopy of oak and bay trees ñ these are the new nests of Western Gray Squirrels.
  • Tree and Violet-green Swallows return this month.
  • Look for hummingbirds visiting the cream-colored flowers of the California Bay Laurel Tree.
  • Saucer Magnolia and Purple Leaf Flowering Plum bloom this month.
  • Sandhill Cranes are migrating north.
  • Peak of American Goldfinch population.